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We provide professional tax services via Zoom meetings.  All data is uploaded to a secure portal and all tax returns are filed electronically.

Services: Services
Time for Taxes Planning Money Financial

Individual, Estate, Gift and Trust Tax Preparation

In addition to the yearly Form 1040 that individual taxpayers must file, we prepare returns for other taxable events, including estate returns, gift returns, and trust returns.

Cheerful business owners standing with o

Corporate, Partnership and Business Entity Tax Preparation

We prepare returns for a broad range of business entities, including corporations, partnerships and nonprofits.


Expatriates & Non-US Citizens

Expatriates or US citizens working abroad have a unique set of circumstances that require a particular expertise. Many expats employed by US companies also have unique reimbursement plans sometimes called Equalizations. We have vast experience in both areas.

Business Meeting

Audit Representation

Professional representation can be vital during an audit, and our experience with tax authorities enables us to guide clients in their dealings with federal and state agencies. If you have been chosen for an audit, the professional representation you can find with our firm can put many of your worries at bay. We are ready and willing to answer any and all questions the IRS may be asking of you.

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